FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the commonly asked questions.
If you have any other queries other than those listed here, please do contact us at 6327 0128.
Thank you.
Here are some of the commonly asked questions.
If you have any other queries other than those listed here, please do contact us at 6327 0128.
Thank you.
What products do SG Cash offer?
What are the eligibility requirements if I want to apply for a business loan with SG Cash?
For Growth Package, Flexi Package and Sales Invoice Financing:
For Entrepreneur Growth Package:
What are the mandatory documents required for the loan application?
For Growth Package, Flexi Package and Sales Invoice Financing:
For Entrepreneur Growth Package:
*If we require more documents, we will inform you accordingly.
How can my company apply for a corporate loan with SG Cash?
Once you have checked your eligibility criteria as listed above and are interested to apply for a corporate loan with us, you may email us the mandatory documents at enquiry@sg-cash.com or call us at +65 6327 0128 accordingly. One of our officers will follow up with you on your loan application within 2 working days.
What are your assessment criteria for a loan application with SG Cash?
At SG Cash, our assessment is based on a holistic assessment of the company, including the business history, industry nature, revenue & profit, business plan, personal credit history, collateral for secured loans and outcome of the site visit amongst others. The loan application is also subjected to review and approval by our Credit Committee Panel.
How long does SG Cash takes to process my company’s loan application?
Upon receiving the full set of mandatory documents for the loan application as listed above, it would take about 3 working days or less for us to get in touch with you. If we require more time, we will inform you in advance.
Is a site visit required for the loan application?
The site visit will be arranged on a case-by-case basis. (More than 85% of the loan applications with SG Cash require a site visit.
How is site visit conducted?
SG Cash will arrange for either a physical meetup at our client’s office or a virtual meeting with the Director(s) / Guarantor(s) of the loan application, to understand more about the loan applicant and to clarify any queries which we are in doubt.
What is the tenure of the corporate loan provided by SG Cash?
The loan tenures are from a minimum of 1 month to a maximum of 12 months.
How fast can my company receive the funds once the loan application has been approved?
You can expect to receive the funds as soon as within 24 hours after the signing of the loan agreement.
What is the interest rate offered by SG Cash?
Our interest rate ranges from 2% to 4% per month, depending on our credit assessment.
What is the facility fee charged by SG Cash?
We charge a one-time facility fee of up to 8% per loan application, depending on our credit assessment.
What are the repayment modes by SG Cash?
You can choose from daily, weekly, bi-weekly and monthly repayment modes for your loan that best suit your business needs.
What are the payment methods by SG Cash?
Our clients have the option to pay via cheques, bank transfers or ATM transfers to our bank account.
What happens if I am late for my payments?
Late fees and late interest will be incurred if you are late for your payments.
Does SG Cash take security for loan application?
Yes, the directors/guarantors will be the personal guarantee of the corporate loan. For secured loans, a collateral (such as commercial or residential property) will be required as well.